Oh me oh my, this is daunting to start.
I guess I’ll start by stating a few things about myself and my goal with the site.
My name is Ash and I’m an avid reader.
In the past 3 years I’ve varied reading anywhere from 75-200 books per year and I figured… “Why don’t I do something with that?” haha
I mainly posted on the normal sites (amazon, B&N, goodreads, etc…) with quick reviews or star ratings. However, as I start to accumulate my 4th book shelf (don’t judge)…… I realized I’d like to have a nice reference point for myself, besides stars and a couple lines, of what I liked or didn’t like about a book.
Also – How fun will this be?!?! I’m going to share book pictures, book shelf pictures, and books… did I mention books?
This site is still a work in progress and will be built out over time~ I hope you enjoy it!
I aim to break down my reviews with well into the following score system:
Overall Rating
Character development
Writing style
I read a little bit of everything but I do have genre’s a tend to stick too. Mainly: Fantasy, Romance, Paranormal, Young Adult, New Adult & Sci-Fi. I do occasionally include Mystery, Thriller, and Non-Fiction (Memoirs). I absolutely take recommendations but do read in my own time.
Again, this blog is a personal endeavor ~ I unfortunately do not get paid to read books full-time <—that’s the dream though
So in honor of the dream, I’ll hush and start posting <3
BFF · October 23, 2017 at 3:00 pm
YAY BLOG!!! All of us readers have a long list of books that are still to be read. Have you ever come across a book that you’ve had on your shelf for a long time (I’ve had a few for YEARS), that you can’t bring yourself to read even when you don’t feel like reading anything else? For that matter, how do you pick which book to read next from the books you already have and are not part of a series? I have a book buying problem and my unread pile keeps getting bigger.
Ash · October 23, 2017 at 3:18 pm
BFF – I’m not sure if I’m one to talk to about reigning in the book buying. LOL I have a HUGE TBR stack that just gets bigger and bigger.
I’m very much a mood motivated reader. I choose my next book based on if I’m feeling the genre or the feeling of the book. That being said, I do try to circle around to include 1 neglected book from the early TBR pile from the 5-8 recent buys that I read. Otherwise…. otherwise it gets ridiculous and I only have so much shelf space. haha