Well Hello Patricia Briggs!

If you’re unfamiliar with the Alpha and Omega series by Patricia Briggs, maybe you’ll be more familiar with the Mercy Thompson series? (Since that one started first…) Both are set in the same world but follow different character story lines. They’re done pretty much in parallel though~

I received an ARC via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.
Burn Bright is book 5 in the Alpha and Omega series and will be released this coming Tuesday, March 6th 2018!

If you want to give this series a go~ NOTE: I’d recommend starting with the novella that has the prequel, as it gives solid background information. If you start just at book one, you’ll be fine as well BUT you may be confused for the first couple chapters. (I was…. haha)

Reading order: On the Prowl (0.5), Cry Wolf (1), Hunting Ground (2), Fair Game (3), Dead Heat (4).

“Fire is a powerful thing. It cleanses as it destroys–and it brings light to darkness.” Burn Bright, Patricia Briggs

Where to start – first and foremost, I prefer this series over Mercy Thompson. The plots and characters work well and it has good movement through out each book. Usually I get to about 2 chapters in and I’m hooked. I don’t like to put it down after that if I can help it HAHA. Burn Bright was no exception. 🙂

The Alpha and Omega series follows Anna, an Omega Werewolf, and Charles, an Alpha werewolf. (THUS the series name… see what they did there….hahaha)
Their dynamic is interesting as Anna, with her Omega standing, does not have to follow dominant wolves orders, and Charles, although an Alpha, is not the head of a pack. They balance each other well and their banter is adorable.

Burn Bright gives us a story of ‘What if the pack Alpha were away and all the drama hitteth the fan?” ……The answer is a lot of drama haha and I freaking ADORED it. *victory dance*

A majority of this series is stellar and I definitely re-read the first 4 books to get to this 5th one and give it a fair chance and review. Patricia Briggs met all my expectations in Burn Bright and I honestly have no real downers to state about it. The plot was excellent, I always love a good terrifying fae and werewolf story, and the writing is beautiful.

Briggs did a wonderful addition to the series with this book. Is it my favorite? I’d say book 4 still has my heart as I cried like a baby, but book 5 is right up there. haha

If you’re iffy about paranormal romance type books, something to keep in mind with this one is the romance is a side note. These books ARE mainly plot driven. There is a touch of romance and it’s very light in comparison to others in it’s genre. I take this as a good thing and the author does a wonderful job balancing it.

  • Overall Rating: 4.0 Stars
  • Plot: 4 stars
  • Character Development: 4 Stars
  • Dialogue: 4 Stars
  • Writing: 4 Stars

Hmmmm who would I recommend this too? Anyone that enjoys fae lore and political intrigue.~ It has a good dose of a few different angles – paranormal, intrigue, romance, contemporary, etc… The books are easy to read and also quick to read.

Give it a chance if you’re on the fence and Happy Reading!!


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