Dear Internet readers…….. Sarah J. Maas has done it again~
Read this series… read it and love it. :0)

If you’ve been living under a rock you may not have heard of Sarah J. Maas and her books. Whether it’s the Throne of Glass (ToG) series or the A Court of Thorns and Roses (ACOTAR) series.

Throne of Glass = 8 books including the prequel ~~ currently 7 of the 8 are out with the final book dropping Fall 2018.
ACOTAR = Currently announced as 6 books with 2 novellas ~~ only 3 books and 0 novellas are released…with the 4th book coming in 2019 *insert sad sigh here*

This post is about Book 3 of the ACOTAR series, A Court of Wings and Ruin (ACOWAR), and I will do my best to not have spoilers but would recommend to readers to tread lightly if you haven’t read any of the first two books. (You’ve been warned!!)

“Only you can decide what breaks you, Cursebreaker. Only you.”
― Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

I admit, I was so nervous to read book 3, I didn’t want this story ARC to end. Book 2 was SOOOOOO amazing and I knew that book 3 would have a hard time measuring up. It did….. It is still an excellent book but it doesn’t have the intensity and passion that book 2 gave to the audience.

Sarah J. Maas however has done a great job with ACOWAR in the sense that you COULD stop reading here if you’d like. As it will be 2 years until book 4 is released *internally cries*, she’s made sure the closure on this book is solid. You have a few outstanding questions and concerns but the overall ARC is wrapped up nicely.

And now for a little bit more info *SPOILS AHEAD STOP READING HERE*

Night Court is everything. Rhys and his team of misfits in Velaris are all the squad goals a person needs in life and is desperately the family support that Feyre requires to grow as a character. (#TeamAmren amiright?)

“Remember that you are a wolf. And you cannot be caged.”
― Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

However, the book was slightly slow for me in the beginning after such a climactic ending in book 2. I’m sure this was on purpose but I found myself itching and impatient to get to the ‘important’ items. Really the first part of the book just re-enforced that Tamlin and Ianthe can GTFO. hahaha

Overall, I felt character development was slightly lacking EXCEPT in the case of Nesta and Elaine. Due to the proceedings and ending in book 2 (trying to be vague here haha) – we now get a lot more build and insight into the Archeron family~ <3  The family is pretty dysfunctional but bad@$$ all the same. :0)

Part 3 of ACOWAR though…..lots of surprises to keep the audience fully vested and riveted.
Once I hit 70% in the book, I didn’t stop reading till credits scrolled. (…I’m sure that’s healthy hahaha) #bookwormprobs

Overall Summary:

  • Overall Rating: 4 Stars
  • Plot: 4 Stars
  • Character Development: 3.5 Stars
  • Dialogue: 5 Stars
  • Writing: 4 Stars

Sarah J. Maas has done a great job with tworld building in this book series. Is book 3 my favorite in the series? No. BUT I would say, personal opinion, this is probably one of the best New Adult/Young Adult Fantasy series on the market currently.

~ Ash


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