Hello Bookies and Readers~
Who’s ready for another Tuesday Tidbit review?!! 🙂
I admit I’m becoming more and more a fan of these reviews, they’re nice little snippets for me and I hope they’re enjoyable for you!
Jacquelyn Frank is a paranormal romance author, she first got her start with the Nightwalkers series. I have read and own all of that one. In recent years I haven’t followed her too closely, so I decided to jump back on the train when I saw the new Energy Vampire Series that she released earlier this year~
Book One: Thirst (Released January 2017)
Book Two: Hunger (Released August 2017)
Book Three? I haven’t seen anything on her actual site or goodreads announcing one, however I have read both books and it sounds like there will absolutely be more. (for those that don’t like to read incomplete series, just a heads up!)
Yes, I’ve read both books BUT this post is just a review of book one~ Thirst. Let’s get it started!
Thirst follows the story of Rafe DaSilva, a high up Energy Vampire, and Renee Holden, a human Detective. Jacquelyn Frank did a wonderful job introducing Renee and getting the audience engaged. Although with Rafe it felt a bit more rough? I’m not sure how to describe it exactly. For me, where I easily liked and connected with Renee – Rafe was harder to engage with on the audience level. I liked both characters, however… there wasn’t ever a ‘click’ of full engagement for me. :\  I say this because, even though Renee gripped me in the beginning, later on her character goes a little AWOL of how her original personality was set up.
As far as plot, I LOVE the premise. The world of possible energy vampires was a new story to me and I was so excited to get started. But then, we got a little lost half way through the book and the progress would kind of start and slow in random intervals. (Kind of like a struggling older car…) Also, I was a little bummed about how the ‘origin’ story for their people went. I won’t spoil anything, in case any of you want to read it, but to me it was a little disappointing.
- Overall Rating: 2.75 Stars
- Plot: 2.5 stars
- Character Development: 2.5 Stars
- Dialogue: 3 Stars
- Writing: 3 Stars
For some reason, this book just didn’t bring the audience in like expected. Again, I’ve read Jacquelyn Frank before and I did go in with a certain expectation. I would recommend readers NOT start with this series if you’re new to this author. Please start with either the Nightwalkers or Shadowdwellers series~ <3
Who would I recommend this too? I’m not sure to be honest, full disclosure – the ending left me felling ‘meh’ and the book itself is a mixed basket of good and not good. I will say book two is much more put together but it also has an ending that is …frayed in a sense. Not closure but not cliff hanger.
This book (and series) left me jumbled. *shrug*