Dear Internet readers…….. Sarah J. Maas has done it again~
Read this series… read it and love it. :0)
If you’ve been living under a rock you may not have heard of Sarah J. Maas and her books. Whether it’s the Throne of Glass (ToG) series or the A Court of Thorns and Roses (ACOTAR) series.
Throne of Glass = 8 books including the prequel ~~ currently 7 of the 8 are out with the final book dropping Fall 2018.
ACOTAR = Currently announced as 6 books with 2 novellas ~~ only 3 books and 0 novellas are released…with the 4th book coming in 2019 *insert sad sigh here*
This post is about Book 3 of the ACOTAR series, A Court of Wings and Ruin (ACOWAR), and I will do my best to not have spoilers but would recommend to readers to tread lightly if you haven’t read any of the first two books. (You’ve been warned!!)
I admit, I was so nervous to read book 3, I didn’t want this story ARC to end. Book 2 was SOOOOOO amazing and I knew that book 3 would have a hard time measuring up. It did….. It is still an excellent book but it doesn’t have the intensity and passion that book 2 gave to the audience.
Sarah J. Maas however has done a great job with ACOWAR in the sense that you COULD stop reading here if you’d like. As it will be 2 years until book 4 is released *internally cries*, she’s made sure the closure on this book is solid. You have a few outstanding questions and concerns but the overall ARC is wrapped up nicely.
And now for a little bit more info *SPOILS AHEAD STOP READING HERE*
Night Court is everything. Rhys and his team of misfits in Velaris are all the squad goals a person needs in life and is desperately the family support that Feyre requires to grow as a character. (#TeamAmren amiright?)
However, the book was slightly slow for me in the beginning after such a climactic ending in book 2. I’m sure this was on purpose but I found myself itching and impatient to get to the ‘important’ items. Really the first part of the book just re-enforced that Tamlin and Ianthe can GTFO. hahaha
Overall, I felt character development was slightly lacking EXCEPT in the case of Nesta and Elaine. Due to the proceedings and ending in book 2 (trying to be vague here haha) – we now get a lot more build and insight into the Archeron family~ <3 The family is pretty dysfunctional but bad@$$ all the same. :0)
Part 3 of ACOWAR though…..lots of surprises to keep the audience fully vested and riveted.
Once I hit 70% in the book, I didn’t stop reading till credits scrolled. (…I’m sure that’s healthy hahaha) #bookwormprobs
Overall Summary:
- Overall Rating: 4 Stars
- Plot: 4 Stars
- Character Development: 3.5 Stars
- Dialogue: 5 Stars
- Writing: 4 Stars
Sarah J. Maas has done a great job with tworld building in this book series. Is book 3 my favorite in the series? No. BUT I would say, personal opinion, this is probably one of the best New Adult/Young Adult Fantasy series on the market currently.
~ Ash